The information provided on this web site reflects professional practice, research findings and teaching materials current through July 2007. It is informational only and is intended for use by a lay audience – both with and without a diagnosis of diabetes–interested in learning more about the disease. It does not constitute, nor is it a substitute for, personal medical advice. The contributors to this site have made every effort to provide information that is accurate and complete as of the date of publication. However, in light of rapid changes occurring in medical science, as well as the possibility of human error, this site might contain inaccuracies. Users are advised to consult with a physician regarding their personal care. The information contained herein is provided “as is” and without warranty of any kind. The contributors to this site, including the Diabetes Teaching Center at UCSF, and the University of California, San Francisco, disclaim responsibility for any errors or omissions or for results obtained from the use of the information herein.
This website is informational only.
Users are advised to consult with a physician regarding their personal care.